8 tipos de capital de trabajo

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_class=”padding-sm-bottom-40″][vc_column offset=”vc_col-lg-8 vc_col-md-8″ el_class=”post-details-sec”][vc_single_image image=”13141″ img_size=”full” css=”.vc_custom_1719211480411{margin-bottom: 44px !important;}”][vc_row_inner css=”.vc_custom_1608297138483{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]Running a business needs money to keep things going. Without enough cash to cover daily costs, a business can’t survive, even if it makes a profit.

One of the most important things for a business is having the right amount of working capital. Working capital is the money available for daily operations. It’s essential to have just the right amount—not too little and not too much.

To learn more about the different types of working capital and how to manage it well, check out this article.

What is Working Capital?

Working capital shows how well a business can handle its short-term financial needs. It’s a key measure of a company’s efficiency and health.

How is it calculated?

  • Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities

What are Current Assets?

These are things that can be quickly turned into cash if needed, like:

  • Cash in the bank
  • Money owed to the business (accounts receivable)
  • Products ready to be sold (inventory)

What are Current Liabilities?

These are debts the business needs to pay within a year, like:

  • Wages
  • Taxes
  • Interest owed

Understanding Working Capital

  • If a company has more current assets than current liabilities, it has positive working capital. This means the business is in good financial health.
  • If a company owes more than it owns, it has negative working capital. This can be a sign of financial trouble, and the business might struggle to stay open.

In simple terms, working capital is the leftover money after paying off short-term debts. It shows if a business can cover its daily expenses and still stay afloat.

Also Read: Understanding Working Capital

Different Types of Working Capital

When we talk about working capital, there are 8 different types. Let’s break them down simply and in detail:

Gross Working Capital

This type of working capital represents the total amount of money a company has invested in assets that can quickly be converted into cash. These assets are highly liquid, meaning they can be easily sold or used to generate cash. Examples include cash itself, inventory (products ready to be sold), and accounts receivable (money owed to the company by customers). Gross working capital gives an overview of the company’s immediate resources available for operational needs.

Net Working Capital

Net working capital is calculated by subtracting current liabilities from current assets:

  • Current Assets: These include cash, accounts receivable, and inventory.
  • Current Liabilities: These are debts and obligations that need to be paid within a year, such as wages, taxes, and interest owed.

Net working capital shows whether a company has enough short-term assets to cover its short-term liabilities. A positive net working capital indicates a healthy financial position, meaning the company can meet its short-term obligations. A negative net working capital means the company might struggle to pay its bills and sustain operations.

Permanent Working Capital

Also known as “fixed working capital,” this is the minimum amount of funds that must always be available to cover current liabilities. It’s the baseline level of working capital that a business needs to keep running smoothly. The amount of permanent working capital required depends on the size and growth of the business. Larger businesses or those experiencing rapid growth will need more permanent working capital to ensure they can continuously cover their operational expenses.

Temporary Working Capital

Also called “variable,” “fluctuating,” or “cyclical” working capital, this is the extra amount of working capital needed beyond the permanent working capital. It varies based on the company’s operational needs at different times. For example, during a period of increased production or higher sales, a business might need more temporary working capital to cover additional expenses. It’s the difference between net working capital and permanent working capital.

Regular Working Capital

This is the basic amount of working capital required to meet the everyday expenses of running a business under normal conditions. It covers routine costs such as salaries and wages, materials and supplies, and overhead expenses like utilities and rent. Regular working capital ensures that the business can operate smoothly without interruptions.

Reserve Margin Working Capital

Think of this type of working capital as a “safety cushion.” It’s extra funds set aside for unexpected events or emergencies, such as natural disasters, economic downturns, strikes, or sudden inflation. Having reserve margin working capital helps a business stay afloat during unforeseen circumstances by providing a financial buffer.

Seasonal Working Capital

This type of working capital is related to the seasonal demand for products or services. Some businesses experience higher demand during certain times of the year, like holiday seasons or summer months. Seasonal working capital covers the additional money needed to operate during these peak periods. For example, a retail store might need more working capital to stock up on inventory before the holiday shopping season.

Special Working Capital

Included under temporary working capital, special working capital is set aside for specific, exceptional circumstances. These might include launching a new product, running a significant marketing campaign, or dealing with an accident. Special working capital ensures that a business has the funds needed to handle these unique situations without disrupting regular operations.

Understanding these types of working capital helps businesses manage their finances more effectively, ensuring they have enough money to cover daily operations and unexpected events.

Also Read: Different Types of Working Capital Loan Explained

What Happens If a Company Has Low Working Capital?

If a company has low working capital, it means it has less money available for daily operations and more debts to pay in the short term. Here’s what it means in simple terms:

Low Working Capital: This shows that the company has fewer current assets (like cash and inventory) compared to its current liabilities (debts and bills that need to be paid soon).

Not Always Bad: Low working capital doesn’t always mean the company is losing money. Sometimes, it means the company has invested a lot of money into projects or assets that might bring in big returns later.

Efficient Management: If a company can still meet its financial obligations despite having low working capital, it shows that the company is good at managing its finances efficiently.

Negative Working Capital: This is when current assets are less than current liabilities. If this situation continues for too long, the company might struggle to pay its bills and could even face bankruptcy.

In short, low working capital indicates a tight financial situation, but it doesn’t always mean the company is in trouble. It depends on how well the company manages its finances and investments.

Working Capital Management

Most businesses aim for a negative working capital cycle. This means they are:

  • Selling inventory quickly
  • Getting paid by customers faster
  • Taking longer to pay their own bills

However, good working capital management is sometimes needed to help a company run more smoothly.

The main goal is to ensure the business has enough cash to keep operating, pay off debts, and still invest in future growth. Managing working capital involves making smart decisions about short-term financing and includes:

  • Managing inventory and payables (money the business owes)
  • Handling short-term investments
  • Granting credit to customers and collecting payments from them

To do this well, a business needs reliable cash forecasts and accurate financial data. This helps ensure there is always enough money available for daily operations and future needs.


In conclusion, understanding and managing working capital is crucial for a business to stay healthy and successful. Different types of working capital help businesses handle their daily expenses, prepare for unexpected costs, and invest in future growth. While low working capital can be a sign of financial strain, efficient management can keep a company running smoothly. Aiming for a negative working capital cycle by moving inventory quickly, collecting payments faster, and delaying bill payments can also help. Reliable cash forecasts and accurate financial data are essential for making smart working capital decisions.

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